Changelog 18/Jun/2024

There were a lot of game balancing and some minor features and corrections.Forage Dialogue

    • Shorten text
    • Reduce forage yield
      • Bad: 2-5 -> 1-2
      • Neutral: 5-10 -> 2-5
      • Good: 10-25 -> 5-10
  • Improve Dialogue Healing amount
    • Magic: 6-12 -> 15-25
    • No Relation: 3-6 -> 5-10
    • Friend: 6-12 -> 10-15
    • Lover: 
      • I: 6-12 -> 10-15
      • II: 7-14 -> 15-25
      • III: 8-16 -> 25-35
  • Shorten Obelisk start dialogue
  • Remove Speed x5
  • Reduce bonus to sell loot based on town relations:
    • VeryGood: 1.25 -> 1.10
    • Good: 1.17 -> 1.05
    • Neutral: 1.10 -> 1.02
    • Bad: 1.05 -> 1.01
    • VeryBad: 1.00 -> 1.00
  • Fauna:
    • Increase chance of “heavy” parties on fauna Spawn
    • Improve Loot
      • Leather drop: 1-(Level/3) -> 2-5
      • Lizards & Spider & Wasp: Leather
      • Add Meat for some animals
        • Boars, Wolf, Bear, Feline
  • Design
    • Camp & Food were not used
      • Healing is 1% every 2s (30% per day)
        • Change to 0.5% every 2s (15% per day)
    • Death
      • DeathCounter to 3 days
      • Angel Feather should be 200 coins
    • Mood Refurbish
      • Sad: Initiative -1 Saves -10% (*Saves -20%, -1 move, -1 dash)
      • Depressed: Initiative -2 Saves -25% (*Saves -50%, -2 move, -2 dash)
    • On New Game
      • Map Gen always on Max?
        • Sizes: 5, 7, 9
  • [BUG]On new game, the coins were zero, should be 500 coins


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